Welcome: Zhengzhou Yucai Phosphate Chemical Factory
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Characteristics of high temperature resistant binder of aluminum dihydrogen phosphate

High temperature binder product features:
1. The high temperature binder is resistant to high temperature and matches the temperature resistance of the fiber;

2, combined with strength rubber, no damage to the fiber after sintering;

3, high temperature binder drying and baking shrinkage is small.

(1) The high temperature resistant adhesive uses a temperature of 1350 ° C, the ash seam is small, and the shrinkage rate is small. The new inorganic cementing material has high bonding strength, good overall structure of the masonry, good air tightness, corrosion resistance, high softening temperature, low temperature shrinkage, convenient construction, easyness and slag resistance.

(2) It can be widely applied to the affixing of various industrial kiln masonry, refractory fiber felt, blanket and paper. The masonry, repairing and spraying of high-temperature furnaces, furnace walls, front and rear arches, etc. of civil boilers are more widely applicable to the heat repair of various high-temperature kiln furnaces, especially the convexities and concaves, denudation, cracks, etc. in various parts of the carbonization chamber of the coke oven. Melting, brick dropping, hot repair of the wrong stage, and electric discharge furnace, smelting furnace spraying and masonry.

(3) On the basis of the beginning, new chemical additives such as anti-aging agents, accelerators and coagulants have been added to greatly improve the quality of the products, so that the refractoriness and flexural strength are greatly improved and adhered. The knot performance has a new improvement, easy to hang material, fast curing, no bubble and no crack, enhanced wear resistance, and a wider range of use.


Contact: David Zhao

Phone: 13783644683

Tel: 0371-64110451

Email: tigeryc1986@126.com

Add: Group 4,Beiwan Village,Beishankou Town,Gongyi District,Zhengzhou City,Henan Province,China

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