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Luoyang Normal University entered Yucai Chemical Industry and explored new ways

On September 4, 2024, teachers and students from the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Luoyang Normal University came to yucai chemical to experience the corporate culture and explore new ways. Accompanied by Hao Shixu, general manager of Yucai Chemical Company, he visited the production workshop and learned about the product types, production scale and corporate culture of Yucai Chemical Company. Let the teachers and students of the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Luoyang Normal University feel the charm of modern industry at close range and understand the whole process of chemical product production.

At the same time, Hao Shixu, general manager of Yucai Chemical, led the elite team of Yucai Chemical to hold talks and exchanges with the teachers and students of the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Luoyang Normal University, and signed and awarded Yucai Chemical "Luoyang Normal University Student Internship Base" to lay a good foundation for future cooperation.

In the future, Yucai Chemical will continue to strengthen contact and cooperation with schools, provide more practical opportunities and platforms for students, and help them grow into young people of the new era with social responsibility, innovative spirit and practical ability. I believe that Yucai Chemical will continue to forge ahead on the road with this valuable experience in the future.


Contact: David Zhao

Phone: 13783644683

Tel: 0371-64110451

Email: tigeryc1986@126.com

Add: Group 4,Beiwan Village,Beishankou Town,Gongyi District,Zhengzhou City,Henan Province,China

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