Welcome: Zhengzhou Yucai Phosphate Chemical Factory
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Hao shixu, general manager of Zhengzhou Yucai chemical industry, was interviewed during the Beijing national exhibition.

In a blink of an eye, today is the last day of the Beijing National Exhibition.

The 14th China International Exhibition on Refractory Materials and Industrial Ceramics was grandly opened at the China International Exhibition Center (New Hall) in Beijing. At this exhibition, Zhengzhou Yucai Phosphate Chemical Plant, as a joint exhibitor of Yin Nai Lian, appeared together with Yin Nai Lian. During the exhibition, Hao Shixu, general manager of Zhengzhou yucai chemical, was interviewed.

1. Zhengzhou Yucai Phosphate Chemical Plant has a history of more than 30 years of development. It is also a professional manufacturer of “old” phosphate binders. First of all, please let us briefly introduce you to the company’s growth and development. Moment or turning point?

A: In fact, the new retail is a turning point. After the launch of the new model of new retail, the company further transforms from a processing company to a company that can provide customers with integrated solutions.

2, your company has paid more and more attention to brand building in recent years, and hopes to further launch the "Yucai phosphate" brand. Then please talk about what measures have been taken in brand building and what have been achieved?

A: As far as the specific measures for brand building are concerned, our company is mainly engaged in the four aspects of product development and iteration, plant equipment transformation and expansion, network optimization and promotion, and the construction of a complete and efficient service system. famous brand.

3, your company also attaches great importance to network construction, your company's portal website is also very impressive, then in the Internet era, please talk about how your company "touch the net"?

A: The essence of the touch network is to further increase market share. We hope to form the most valuable traffic in the PC era and get the most precious time in the mobile Internet era. The ultimate goal is to create value for users.

4, your company's aluminum dihydrogen phosphate is well-known in the industry, please tell us what advantages your company's products have compared with similar products?

A: The advantage lies in the quality of the products. We use the data and dilution level of the instruments to determine the appropriate implementation plan according to different regions and different uses, so as to achieve better high temperature bonding.

5. Your company has recently paid more and more attention to external marketing, and has also actively participated in large-scale fairs and exhibitions. Then, for this exhibition, please talk about the feelings and gains of participating in the metallurgical exhibition.

A: First of all, I am very grateful to the platform of refractory window. As a well-known domestic phosphate producer, by participating in large-scale exhibitions, we can more broadly understand customer needs and thus be demand-oriented and guide us to further enhance product competitiveness.


Contact: David Zhao

Phone: 13783644683

Tel: 0371-64110451

Email: tigeryc1986@126.com

Add: Group 4,Beiwan Village,Beishankou Town,Gongyi District,Zhengzhou City,Henan Province,China

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